Monday, July 7, 2014


 (Barnabas gave me permission to post pictures)


So that was the exciting news. Cool, huh? He is going to be the PERFECT priesthood leader!

His confirmation talked about his future "ETERNAL" family. In sacrament meeting I couldn't help thinking what kind of effect this will have on him and his friends and future children.

I love this gospel. He was SO funny. He practiced the matrix so that he could bend right in the water. We LOVE him. It was SO worth it.

This week we visited an old Hungarian Falu. It showed all of the old Hungarian housing and the Hungarians that we were with told us that they were just like their grandparents houses. They had the most amazing stories! And they had sheep. I learned how to make nails as well. That will come in handy later.
Okay, I know it was short. Give me 18 days and then I will make it up to you! I love you all! Mom and Dad I LOVED the Snack Chat (weekly family newsletter). It was so good to read. Best parents EVER!
Love Sis. Fowers

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hold on!

NO! I would love to go to the temple the night after. Sounds GREAT! I would like to go. like REALLY like to go. :) Also, I need to see Adrienne. I don't know when her departure date is but we gotta meet.... :)
So this week's e-mail is going to be short. Pretty much I have to stay focused and I am trying to really give my all. My companion's Grandma died this week it was quite a touching  experience. She got the call. She cried for a minute. She worked.
This work is so true. I wish I could let you all know how much I know it. There is a literal creator who plans, cares for, and comforts us. Obedience is the emblem of our love for him. I am so ready to just give it all over. I am sick of doing things my way. I'm ready for his call. I love this gospel it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love Hungary and I love Budapest.
I gave my departing testimony this week and started off with: "I've never been able to stand up while wake-boarding. " Then I talked about how our missions are like holding onto a rope and being dragged through the water, with our boards dragging at awkward angles. Then you fly off. And you can either try it again or get in the boat.

Sometimes on missions you just gotta grab that rope knowing that you are going to fail but that slowly and surely you are making your way to the dock for a lunch break. THE point is you hold on!

You hold onto that galloping sheep that needs vaccinations, you hold on to the sides of the trailer when your bringing up a load of wood, you hold onto that circle of hands as you cheer, and you hold on to the faith you have found.
I LOVE the gospel. Makes me happy. Should make you happy too.
I know. It was short. But you liked it. :)
Love Sis. Fowers
See ya in 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nothing cuter than little Huns.

PETER!?!?!?!? WHAT THE????????????????????? WHOAOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOHOHOH! I am so...sob...sob....proud of you. SNIFFLLLLLLe. Way to go little bro!
Also I am super excited to meet our exchange student! He looks SO sweet.

I had the craziest week and it all started in an underground Nazi cave hospital. Crazy huh? It's called Sziklakórház. When Budapest was under attack it was used as a hospital and secret bunker safe. It is right under Buda castle and consists of over a 15 mile long strands of caves ( Don't quote me on that, but I think I am right. ) I saw so many pictures of places that I have tracted that were demolished and had graphic photos of the rebellion and the victims strewn out on the roads we walk everyday. And do you know those sirens you hear in every old wartime movie? We got to sound one! It was made of hand propelled fan that gets louder the harder you push it. It was so eerie. They showed us the operating rooms and we all already know how scary hospitals can be. Now picture it underground. I saw pictures of a public hanging, and so many buildings I recognized! Seriously the buildings I tract here are just covered up with new paint. One thing that will be weird when I am in America is the fact that there won't be chunks missing from the buildings. I will show you pictures when we get home. Then today I went to the Parliment building. It's the huge temple structure on the Danube. ( I think it is in my Profile picture on facebook.)

 It was amazing but the most amazing part was walking along the Duna. There is a place on the road by the Duna that just drops off into the water.  Cemented to the edge are about 70 pairs of metal shoes. This is where the German crossfire squad lined up Jews, had them take off their shoes, and fired them into a watery grave. It was such a sacred place. There were little baby boy shoes that someone had stuffed with flowers.  Beautiful memorial. Sometimes I forget that I live in the coolest place ever. We were streeting a long the Duna last week and we could see all of the government houses, all of the steeples, the hills with their statue of liberty. It was beautiful. Sigh........

This week was GREAT! J. is doing SO GOOD! ( He's our little mexican baby. I love him. I need to learn how to say a spanish prayer for his baptism. B. is doing SO GOOD! He has to go to another ward but he is set on being baptized on the 28th....meglátjuk! We love them so MUCH! Both of them are on Baptimal date and they are going to do it by golly! Also, I looked at my calander and we have a baptism scheduled every Saturday of July!?!?! Blessings...Um yeah!

Let me tell you about little K. He is a very tall, very kind, very crippled older gentlemen. His baptism was last Saturday and it changed my life. He has Parkinson's disease and so he shakes, and he has very little control of his movements, he wears a boot that is 5 inches tall on his left foot because his muscles don't know how to open his foot. For the program, the elders sang and played the guitar to a primary song and he clapped afterwards. When it came to the baptism the elder had to carry him into the water. You could tell he was nervous but after about 10 minutes of getting him situated he was baptized. I don't know how to explain it to you all but it was beautiful. Afterwards a little group of girls came up and kissed him and gave him handshakes. It was the most beautiful baptism. I wanted to cry like a little baby. His faith was SO great! His heart is so pure. I am so grateful to be here with so many people like that.

I am so excited to come home and be a missionary! I love forgetting myself and just doing the work and loving. I hope I never lose these feelings. I love you all the Church is the church of Jesus Christ. I love it.

I love you all I will see you so soon. I just had a little Hungarian girl tell me how old she was PRECIOUS! Nothing cuter than little huns.

Okay. Much Love Sis. Fowers

Monday, May 26, 2014

I make bumble-bee costumes for everything...

Wow. That is a beautiful quote. I love it. (I attached the quote mentioned at the bottom)
Here are the answers to your questions:
Yes. I will "die" here in Budapest. I just got this crazy new companion, Sis. G. She's a fiery red head and has the most COMMANDING personality. It's like you mom, in hyper form when it comes to neatness, simplicity, and logical thinking. We get along SO well though. Kind of a relief after last transfer. 8 weeks left. I can do this.......

I know I have been pretty stressed out lately with my past comp and then with getting things figured out here in Buda. Sis. G helps so much. Actually, she is PERFECT. Mom, seriously. She knows how to do missionary work so effectively, and so simply. I'm like in the corner trying to cut out cute things for lessons and she's like " Let's just teach it. " It's really funny. I'm like dad, I make bumble-bee costumes for everything. I gotta stop. I am trying to figure out how my personality is usable in the Lord's work. it's interesting. :)
I can't believe I only have 8 weeks. I am pretty excited to come home and pretty sad to leave.  BUT  I am focused and we are working like dogs. dogs. dogs. So don't worry.  So, yes dad I will figuratively throw up at the finish line.
This week was the craziest week of my life. Let me bullet. I am getting WAY too lazy. Sorry to all of those who are expecting my letters.
1. I lost two new missionaries in the biggest part of Hungary. HAHAHAHAHA. It actually wasn't that funny. But now it is.
2. Z. is getting baptized this week.....PRAY for her.
3. Adgie poo! I got to talk to Sister Fowers ( let's not forget who number 1 is.....) and I am going to miss her. I forgot how much I was expecting to see her face to be there when I got home.
4. We have been seeing miracles this week. This is going to be a great way to end my mission. We are seriously sprinting.
5. I cut my compie bangs yesterday. And they are ADORABLE. Quote from her: " I have enough sass in me for 3 black women." And she's right.
This girl is on firreeeee, this girl is on fireeeee..........

7. The Szipliék came to Buda to see me. I love them!
I've been doing a lot of self-evaluation.( Scary. I know. ) I just want to make sure that by the end I gave it all up. I fought a good fight, I kept the faith, and I finished the race. Or something like that. I think a lot of things hold us back from being exactly that. I wake up every day and pray to do MY best. I can't compare or I'll feel the bare. Catchy. I like that. And I feel good about that. I am so grateful the Lord can work with little weirdoes like me. And like everyone. I love him. He takes care of us. I've also been reading my patriarchal ( oh for crying out loud, I can't think in English anymore. Hope I spelled it right.) blessing and looking for the things I have promised the Lord and for the things he has promised me. It is really quite beautiful.
Pretty much this isn't the top of the Mountain. Me getting home is just another slope. I am just grateful we get water breaks and pep talks.
Alright. I hope that was acceptable. Forgive the letter famine. I was weak.
I love you all! Be safe! GO SISTER FOWERS.......2.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Sis. Fowers 1

We made vows, solemn vows, in the  heavens before we came to this mortal life…. We have made covenants. We made them before we accepted our position here on the earth….
We committed ourselves to our Heavenly Father, that if He would send us to the earth and give us bodies and give to us the priceless opportunities that earth life afforded,
        we would keep our lives clean and
        would marry in the holy temple and
        would rear a family and teach them righteousness. 
This was a solemn oath, a solemn promise. (Pres. Spencer W. Kimball)

Monday, April 14, 2014

It is like someone spoon fed me butter...

Where do I even start for this week. Let me describe my feelings about this in 23 words;

 It is like someone spoon fed me butter for 5 hours, and then put me on a treadmill ( high speed) with a three-legged dog.


I had to leave my beloved Sopron. I cried in the bathroom all night. I left my heart there...  in a way it felt really good to have worked so hard and in a way it was very painful. Sis. D. is one of my best friend. Sis. Brown and Elder Brown bawled. It was so sweet. Elder Brown handed me my luggage at the train station with tears coming down his face. He was so embarrassed and was trying to wipe them away.  I love them. I am visiting them when I get home. I have to visit so many people. I love them all. The ward just needs good hands to take of it. They deserve the best.

Then I stuffed everything in one suitcase. Hallelujah! Got it all to fit. (Yes. I forgot how to spell that too.)

And we have been working like DOGS. We don't eat. And I am not kidding. We are running from person to person. We met the most incredible family the other day. 2 beautiful little girls and the parents are so kind!

They make sure when they pray and when we teach there are NO distractions. They want this message SO badly. My comp is a champ. We are both just really excited to end our missions sprinting.

We gave our first Zone training. It went so well. I was super nervous but when I got up to talk I felt so empowered and just taught from the spirit. Super cool. We go on splits tomorrow and we are praying to know how to best help the sisters. Send a prayer this way so I know what to help with.

I really have to go. I have to write 5000 people.
This work is the Lord's. I love it!

Love Sis. Fowers

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We look back and what do we see? Just how perfectly our Father planted us.

(The Brown's, cute missionary couple serving with Adley)
Dear Fowers and D. families,

Sister Brown and I want to write and let you know what great missionaries your daughters are here in Hungary. They are so faithful and diligent in serving The Lord. We love working with them here in the mission field. Your daughters love working together and are trying very hard to find those who are prepared to hear the gospel here in Sopron.

We had the most spiritual experience we have had on our mission last night with a couple that Sister Brown and I invited to our home for dinner with your daughters. We had a great visit during the meal.

After the meal, your daughters shared a spiritual thought with us. It was at that point that we felt a great out pouring of the spirit. Prior to their visit we had asked your daughters to give us a spiritual thought on families, the L's have three children and we thought that would be what would touch their hearts. But when they started to give the spiritual thought they felt impressed to change their message.

They spoke of their love for the Savior and their appreciation for what he has done for them and how He had affected their life, and then they ask each of us, including our company to share how they had felt Christ in their life.

As each of us, shared our feelings about how we felt Christ's love in our life, tears were shed and a sweet loving spirit filled the room. It was a wonderful evening that we wished would not end. We are so glad that your daughters are living worthy to have the spirit guide them as they do the Lord's work here in Hungary.

Thank you for preparing them to fulfill so great a mission for The Lord.
Elder and Sister Brown

(Mission President)
Dear Brother and Sister Fowers:              

Sister Adley Ray Fowers has been called to serve as a sister training leader in the Hungary Budapest Mission.

As a sister training leader, Sister Fowers:
Is a member of and participates in the Mission leadership council; Is responsible for the training and welfare of sister missionaries in the mission; Maintains a vibrant proselyting area in addition to working regularly with other sister missionaries; Conducts 24-hour companion exchanges with sister companionships; Continues to function as a member of her district and zone; and Supports, assists and reports to the mission president.

She will set an example for other sister missionaries in the Mission through her study of the scriptures and the gospel, obedience, hard work, proselyting skills and other aspects of missionary work. She will fulfill a fundamental role in the success of the mission and of the missionaries.

Sister Fowers has been called to this position through inspiration and because she is a trusted and faithful missionary.

Sister Smith  and I are honored to be able to serve with Sister Fowers in this great work. We look forward to her service in this new assignment.

Sok Szeretettel, (with much love)

LOWELL V. SMITH Mission President

(Adley's Letter)
First, I got my transfer call.

I am going to Budapest. As a Sister Training Leader ( It is like a zone leader, but for sisters.) Oh man. I think I am going to throw up. It is right next to the mission home, we will see the president every day, I have to go on splits and try and teach the sisters stuff. Oh man. I haven't even trained. I guess I am just getting old. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO TEACH PEOPLE!!!?!?!

Alright. It is actually okay. I am going to be fine, it will be very interesting. The Lord knows where he needs me. ( Budapest was the last place I wanted to serve in actually. IT IS SO BIG. I'm just a little country girl.....) 

We had the most beautiful meeting with the Br's. They described it to you already. The Br's had fasted and prayed that this would go well. So it was actually them that made that lesson so special. I bore the most pure testimony I have ever born about Jesus Christ. There were tears in everyone's eyes and the spirit was so strong. I love this work.

We met with one of our investigators the other day. She snapped at us for asking her to read the BoM and was just so down. We bore our testimony to her that we did these things for her to find peace. The peace she needs so badly. She broke down into tears when she heard our testimonies. 

Another investigator is experiencing many hard things. She wanted to know why things happened to her when all she did was keep the commandments. We invited Elder Br. to give her a priesthood blessing. Even though it was in English. She could feel the power. It was beautiful.

We met a beautiful old néni in the Hospital and sang to them and taught from the Book of Mormon. She wants to meet with us. 

We made Super Standard this week, but it was because seriously all we did was serve. It was an INCREDIBLE week.

One of our investigators got mad at us without a cause. I was able to stand up for us and rebuke him. ( I COULD NEVER DO THAT BEFORE.) But I told him, even though he was really mad, that we loved him. We left a Book of Mormon and a chocolate bar on his door step. He called yesterday and apologized. Turn the other cheek, it works.

We went from 5 lessons in our first week here to 19. Wow. The Lord is blessing this place.

We were prompted to go into a store where we had met a lady on the street and she was there. She is so open to the gospel and says she has been waiting for this. Her granddaughter is very sick and could die. We prayed with her and she cried. IT was beautiful.

We have been visiting ward members like crazy. The ward here needs so much support. We try to help our bishop in EVERYTHING. The members have differences so we are praying for love. We are loving them and we know they will love each other. We are down to 7 or 10 active members. 

A sister in our ward who told us she couldn't do it anymore and cried to tell us she was done, came back. The ward embraced her. She has felt peace. We are all helping her.

This week was so full of miracles. I have been REALLY praying. I only pray for others and it is incredible how precisely and beautifully God answers those prayers.

People are beautiful. They are noble and kind. They are honest and brave. Our lives our everything they were intended to be. Beautiful, painful, tearful and in the end we look back at what we did and just see how perfectly our Father planted us. 

I love you all. I laughed so hard at all the pictures. I love you all. BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!

Love Sis. Fowers

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Visiting the Austrian Border

 Brain Freeze

 Adley placing a Book of Mormon :)

Family! This is the best week EVER! We had transfer calls and:
I AM STAYING!!!  With Sister D. Aren't you all excited for me?! We have to move apartments though. There is going to be an elder companionship of 3! HAHA. The awkwardness of it all! But they are the BEST elders ever! So we are all so excited! Our new apartment is the size of Brooke's room. Our beds are a foot apart. It is going to be a party!
So much happened this week. Seriously. Where do I start? Bullets.

2. Chocolate factory. I taste tested 25 different kinds of dark chocolate. Including chili flavored.
3. Visited the Austrian BORDER!!!!
4. Touched the Iron Curtain.
5. Touched the Berlin Wall.
6. Had the BEST PAPRIKÁS CSIRKE in the world.
7. N. read the Book of Mormon. THE WHOLE THING. Before our next visit.
8. Happy Birthday SHAWN!
9. Helped A. try and fix an antique clock. He let us say a prayer for him!
10. M. is getting baptized!!!!!
11. F. came to church!
12. I don't have to leave my investigators!
14. Talked to a Muslim man who wanted to go clubbing with us. Accidentally told him my dad served in Iraq. Called Americans stupid. Here is the conversation:
" I lived in Iraq."
"Oh, yeah? My dad served....there." ( WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT?!?!?!?!)

Sis. D. and I laughed SO hard we cried. Oh. Good times.

This week was seriously AMAZING. We went to a conference here and I just have decided to be exactly obedient. Not that I haven't been but my heart has not been in it. AND WE HAVE SEEN MIRACLES! I was able to testify to people that they have to change! ( You know shy ole' Ad who hates to tell people they are wrong?) It is a COMPLETE turn around! F. is going to stop smoking! The other person is going to keep the Law of Chastity. It is incredible and doubled with sincere pray it is powerful! We have to move into the Elder's apartment today. We are switching it up because ours is bigger than theirs. The work is so great! I love it! I love you all. Enjoy the pictures!

Love Sis. Fowers

This winter has been insane. It snowed once. The weather has been SO good. So warm! Sorry for you guys!

This week was weird and so great. Sister B.- our senior couple sister, had a crazy experience. We were outside streeting and Elder B. drove by and told us to get in the car. He said that Helen called and needed help! So we jumped in the car and sped over to their house. The door was open! So we ran inside and Sis. B. was inside and her hand was in a bag full of blood. She was trying to feed the neighborhood dogs the leftovers from their dinner and a huge German Sheppard bit her hand. On the way into the hospital she fainted. But let me tell it was the most incredible experience! You know we all read about Jesus Christ, but it is one thing to read about and another thing to see and Sis. B. is disciple of Christ. She is sitting there after just passing out and she hears so kids crying and she is telling her husband to go get them treats. Then she just goes up to random patients and just talks to them! SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HUNGARIAN?!?!?

The health care here is very not ideal. They have patients on gurneys that just sit there for forever until they get called back. THEY DON'T wear gloves. Anyways, she goes around and pets their faces and holds their hands. This one ladies old daddy was dying and she was crying and she went right up to Sis. B. and asked her to pray for him. IT was miraculous. I didn't explain it right. I just was so touched. I want to be like that. 

F. is getting baptized on Saturday!!! She came to church and announced it to everyone. We are so excited! She is so funny because she is SO blunt.  Hungarians are so blunt. 

Alright. That was boring I know. I am reading the New Testament and just finding out what the gospel really is and it is so interesting. I love it!

Alright I love you all!

Sorry it is so short. I hate typing on this thing.....It is a mini laptop. Ughhhh.......

Hey fam, What is goin' on? 

I just say the hottest picture of Jaaron at Homecoming, and there was one of Peter leaning against the wall in a fly tie, and I didn't get any of Nathan, but he doesn't have to prove he is good looking. 

I miss you guys!

This week was HILARIOUS. So many things happened where I was just trying to figure out what was going on.

We had dinner with the B. and their friends. The B's are the greatest senior couple in the WORLD. I love them. But before our program they warned us that they might bring wine and that they were just going to accept and get rid of it afterwards. 

So they get there and we are setting the table and Sis. B. keeps offering them the wine that they brought, and they kept saying that they didn't drink wine, but she couldn't hear them, and it was SO hilarious. I did a bad job of explaining it. I know. Then Elder B. and I got in a fight about E-cards and he said that because I was complaining too much I wouldn't be getting one for my birthday next year. He then tried to show me an example of an e-card so that he could prove it was more that just a badly animated wish-you-well. And it proved my point that I would never want to receive such an e-mail. It was SO funny. But he said he is going to send mom and dad an e-mail about how you should just use those as our wedding invitations. Elder B........ughhhhh. What am I going to do when I have to leave them?!?!?!

We have FHE with them tonight and Sis. B. makes the BEST rolls. Oh man. Manna from heaven. Then we are going to play the " Flour game" with all the people from English class. They love dad for that one.

We had a palacsinta péntek. Pancake Friday! SO many people CAME! It was great! I played Jenga with 4 nannies ( everyone in Hungary is old.) and I was chanting one ladies name so hard she started shaking and laughing and knocked over our little tower. The game didn't last more than 5 turns. I love them. Then Elder L. played his little guitar to "I'm Yours" and all the nannies knew it! So we belted that out as loud as we could. So Fun.

Then we had an awkward "law of Chastity" with one of our investigators and we all ended up laughing so hard because he was being so awkward about it, and it was with the B's so they had all of this parental advice for him. Good times. 

It has been such a good week. Hard, but good. 

5 MONTHS LEFT. I am getting old in the mission.

Keep praying for us. I love you all. 

Love Sister Fowers